The Big Island vacation rentals in Kona are masterpieces in architecture and the serenity of setting will make you want to become a permanent resident. Black lava rock, fishponds, heiau and other significant Kona landscapes provide much to explore. Kona’s many sights, including the multiple parks—national and state—give Hawaii vacation travelers so much to explore, wildlife, sealife and unbelievably captivating Big Island landscapes.
Hale Kona A’ekai Beachfront Home at Kona Bay
An oceanfront home in a private gated community, it would be entirely too simple to label it a seaside oasis. The home offers views overlooking a wild coastline, with lava rock and powerful waves. Watch from the tranquility of your designer infinity pool, with waterfalls, an expansive lanai, sandy bottom wading pool, ponds, plus a patio. Guests staying in the home or adjoining cottage can sip coffee in the morning or wine in the evening with plenty of space to spend time together or enjoy their own reverie. Teak, bamboo and granite are materials used in the home; everything is top-notch for staying home or exploring to return to a sanctuary.
Keauhou Laukaha
Located at the birthplace of royalty, Keauhou Bay, this home seems to bring leisure and luxury to those staying in it. Whether visiting as a family, with a loft for the kids, or a couple enjoying a romantic hideaway, it’s a place to watch the Ironman or participate in whale watching excursions. The pool, lanai within the master suite and palm fronds you’ll see from the windows are features guests love in this cozy home. Keauhou Shopping Center is a five minute drive, as are eateries and Kahalu’u Beach Park.