How to Feel Refreshed After a Long Flight

Categorized as Hawaii Vacation Information

Hawaii is perfectly remote, and while that’s one of the island chain’s charms, it also means that no matter where you’re coming from, you’re going to have a long flight there and back. There’s nothing more disheartening than getting to your vacation destination totally wiped out, or coming home from your trip more exhausted than you… Continue reading How to Feel Refreshed After a Long Flight

Hawaii’s best surfing spots, and 5 tips for first-time surfers

Categorized as Hawaii Activities

Hawaii has plenty of places perfect for catching a wave. Considering catching a wave for the first time on your trip to Hawaii? There's no better place in the world to learn how to surf: Take a lesson from one of the instructors along Hawaii's great surfing beaches, and you're sure to get the hang… Continue reading Hawaii’s best surfing spots, and 5 tips for first-time surfers

Yoga in Maui: 4 utterly serene locations to find your flow

Categorized as Hawaii Activities, Maui Vacation Information

Are you the kind of yogi who just can’t bear to leave the mat behind on vacation? We understand: Once you get into the habit of searching for the perfect flow, it’s a bit addictive. Fortunately, there are plenty of places in Maui where you can move through your asanas, breath in and out and do it all… Continue reading Yoga in Maui: 4 utterly serene locations to find your flow

5 easy-to-miss Hawaiian treasures

Categorized as Hawaii Activities

Between all the guidebooks, travel articles, and pieces of advice out there, it’s impossible to catch everything on a single trip to Hawaii. However, these five places are shockingly easy to overlook, considering they’re totally worth your time. Don’t miss these incredible Hawaiian sights on your trip to the islands: 1. The Painted Forest Head out… Continue reading 5 easy-to-miss Hawaiian treasures

Safety tips for hitting the beach with kids

Heading to the beach with your kids is a spectacular way to spend a family vacation. However, the ocean can be stressful when you’re traveling with young children. Here are five tips that will help make sure you have a safe, happy time at the beach: 1. Apply sunscreen It’s one of the most basic… Continue reading Safety tips for hitting the beach with kids

History of the Hawaiian lei [Video]

Categorized as Hawaii Vacation Information, Hawaiian History

The Hawaiian lei is one of the most iconic parts of Hawaiian culture. Although most people generally picture lei made of flowers, they can also be made of leaves, shells, feathers and other items found in nature. These adornments are more than just decoration: They can also signify peace, friendship and bonding. [marker] You can wear… Continue reading History of the Hawaiian lei [Video]

Christmas Traditions in Hawaii [Video]

Categorized as Big Island Vacation Information, Hawaiian History

Hawaii might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think “holiday traditions.” Usually, people picture snow-coated cottages, heavy sweaters, and reindeer-drawn sleighs. These aren’t the holiday sights you’ll find in Hawaii – people here have their own ways to enjoy the season. [marker] You might be surprised to hear that Santa, for… Continue reading Christmas Traditions in Hawaii [Video]

Hawaiian music 101

Categorized as Hawaii Activities, Hawaiian History

Music is one of the most defining cultural traditions for any location. Musical styles are developed over centuries, as musicians with different skills and playing methods come together and share their knowledge. Something new and wonderful is born of this mutual exchange, and that is particularly true in Hawaii. The blend of cultures that has… Continue reading Hawaiian music 101